Connor’s First Birthday

I had the pleasure of meeting Connor and his entire family for his First Birthday and it was incredible!

Starting the day off with family portraits, detail capturing and cake smashing it was one epic day for this big kid. With lots of laughs, smiles and hugs all round. Poor wee Connor was a little sick so we set out a time for Monday for his little session in the studio.

And boy am I stoked we did! He loved it even more! Cake smash time plus a mini bath what more fun could you have on your birthday?

Thank you so very much Connor for allowing me to spend your First Birthday with you. It was a fabulous Birthday Party and your family are very very beautiful and the time in the studio well that was just icing on the cake!

What a way to celebrate! I cannot wait to celebrate your birthday again Connor. Have a wicked year dude and I’ll see ya again soon 😀

Much love,
Your Portrait Photographer
Laura Leeanne


Queen’s Birthday at Ferrymead Heritage park!


Picnic at Ferrymead Heritage Park