Pyper’s First Birthday
Gosh where do I start! Pyper’s first Birthday photoshoot was already in the planning stages before Pyper had arrived. Master Louie, Pyper’s older brother had his first Birthday Cake Smash here at Time2Shine Photography and Pyper was to be no different. The Christie’s came with a beautiful cake, and also some snacks for us to enjoy! It was such a surprise I felt very lucky and honored to have our own little Birthday Party. Celebrating the life of their gorgeous little girl, their gorgeous little family and the four of them being the cutest family ever.
Alice’s Graduation - written by Alice
Written by Alice, Alice’s Graduation portraits!!! With Hair and make-up in studio.
Soul’s Champion Fundraiser
As you may have seen on Time2Shine Photography’s Facebook page, we’re running a Fundraiser with Soul and Tara for The Champion Centre, here in Christchurch over the next month!
Past Portraits
Over the past week or so I've been going through the Past Portraits of Time2Shine Photography. It's been totally amazing, full of emotion and appreciation of how far Time2Shine and I have really come. How many amazing regulars we've got, how many one off sessions we've had and how many creative portraits we've done. It's beyond incredible!
Queen’s Birthday at Ferrymead Heritage park!
Last Monday was the Queens Birthday, It’s a public holiday here in New Zealand and we spent it at Ferrymead Heritage park. A beautiful day with the trams, steam train, faeries and happy people everywhere!
Connor’s First Birthday
Starting the day off with family portraits, detail capturing and cake smashing it was one epic day for this big kid. With lots of laughs, smiles and hugs all round. Poor wee Connor was a little sick so we set out a time for Monday for his little session in the studio.
Picnic at Ferrymead Heritage Park
School’s back and last week we had the pleasure of having a Time2Shine Picnic at Ferrymead Heritage Park with the help of Jane and her team we had an awesome day filled with Tram Rides, Cookie baking, Kids hanging out the washing, poster making and did I mention stencil stamping?
Paying it forward
Last month I put a call out for our next Pay it forward shoot. All I knew is my heart would sing with passion when the right person commented on our facebook post. We had dozens of comments, tons of deserving people, tagging themselves, each other but one sung to me, pulled my heart strings and I knew my next session was with Paula’s Mum, Joan.
Mom and Son day out!
Little Girls with Big Dreams
Our session with Isabella in the studio was a magical session. One filled with fun and laughter!